Student Info & Guide

Accounting & Finance

by StudyMalaysia on November 10, 2016 | Top Stories

Accounting and finance degrees prepare you for a career in accountancy, auditing, banking, insurance, financial planning, real estate and a wide commercial sector. You will acquire the technical knowledge and skills needed to understand how accounting and finance influence and shape the way organisations behave.

If you like the idea of managing money and investments you might want to consider a degree in finance. But if obtaining, collecting, organising, and dealing with financial information is more your thing, you might be interested to find out more about accounting courses.

Are you considering a career in accounting and finace?

Are you considering a career in accounting and finance?

OK, so you’ve done your research – you know that a career in accounting and finance can lead you to a secure and promising career. You’ve also got your parents’ approval and checked out the courses you can take… but are you really sure this is the right course for you? Take a quick quiz to find out and read on to find out more about this field before you decide.

Courses and careers in accounting and finance

Courses and careers in accounting and finance

A career in the accounting and finance field can be a very smart decision if you’re suited for the job. It can be financially rewarding, and it’s a field that will always be in demand. In addition, there are many different positions you can find within the field, and plenty of opportunity to grow and move up in your company or with another firm.

Careers in accounting and finance range from entry level positions to managerial roles. Read on for examples of accounting and finance careers organised by the level of education required as a minimum for each job.

Your career as an architect begins at IUKL

Accounting or finance – What's the difference?

It’s easy to assume that subjects like accounting and finance are more or less the same thing. However, while these two disciplines are closely related, there are several key differences that you should know about as a prospective student before you decide which course you want to enrol for. Your decision to specialise in either accounting or finance can impact the type of coursework you’ll need to study; it will also influence the kind of professional exams you will have to take to become certified in your field.

Your career as an architect begins at IUKL

So you wanna be an accountant

Do you have good analytical skills? Do your friends and teachers say that you always pay attention to detail? Do you like working with numbers and documents? Are you an organised person?

As an accountant, you will be responsible for an individual's or a company's financial statements, ensuring that they are accurate and comply with laws and regulations. You would need to use accepted accounting procedures to organise and maintain financial records and ensure that taxes are paid. Good communications skills are also essential when it comes to listening to their clients or employers and discussing their work during meetings.

Your career in accountancy, powered by ACCA

Your career in accountancy, powered by ACCA

A career in accounting and finance is a great choice because of the excellent job prospects around the world. 95% of employers stated that ACCA is a respected brand for professional qualification. Around the world, employers recognise and respect the ACCA Qualification and know our members have the right skills needed to get the job done. ACCA provides flexible study options where students can progress at their own pace. Full-time, part-time, self-study or distance learning, it is entirely up to them.

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