Education News

Farm to Table – The Secrets Behind Your Food and Health

August 2, 2023 | Campus News

The world’s population has increased by two billion during the last 25 years, and is projected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030 and 9.8 billion in 2050. Persistent and widespread hunger and malnutrition remain a huge challenge in many parts of the world.  Furthermore, food and agriculture can affect a range of health related issues. Due to the complex links between health, food, agriculture, science and technology, food-agro logistics, as well as sustainable food supply chain management etc, the Faculty of Science offers various pre-graduate programmes to produce educated talent to fill the needs of the country in these fields.  The UTAR Faculty of Science provides world leading courses in agriculture, food science, biotechnology, microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, biomedical science, dietetics, mathematics, statistics and logistics. The programmes are supported by qualified staff, good facilities for skills training and opportunities are also provided for students to experience campus life overseas.

Agriculture Science programme:

Agricultural Science is an interdisciplinary field that encompasses essential aspects of agriculture including agronomy, aquaculture and animal science as primary sources of food for human’s need.

Food Science programme:

Food Science is a multidisciplinary science that integrates various fundamentals and potential aspects of food molecules, food chemistry, food microbiology, food safety, post-harvest processing, nutrition, food quality assessment, functional food and nutraceuticals.  

Biomedical Science programme:

Biomedical Science provides a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the functioning of the human body in health and disease that are associated with genetic and environmental factors. It exposes the developments in medicine, nutrition, and health sciences. 

Dietetics programme:

Dietetics programme provides students with evidence-based theoretical knowledge, research skills, and practical experience across all domains of dietetic practice from clinical assessment to public health nutrition, and foodservice management.

Biotechnology programme:

Biotechnology promises to bring important changes in agriculture and human health. It affects all steps of the production chain from agriculture to food processing and provides breakthrough products and technologies to combat debilitating diseases.

Microbiology programme:

Microbiology discusses microbial classification and aspects related to microbial physiology, biochemistry and genetics. Students are exposed to the courses which enable them to understand the role of microorganisms in the field of industry, agriculture, medicine and environment.

Chemistry programme:

Chemistry is interesting and important to everyday live. Chemical knowledge is applied in health, environment, and energy. Understanding atoms, creating new materials, new drugs all depend on understanding chemistry.

Biochemistry programme:

Biochemistry is the application of chemistry to the study of biological processes at the cellular and molecular level.  Students gain an enhanced appreciation of general applications of biochemistry as applied in healthy life and during the disease states, diagnosis and clinical management of human diseases.

Dietetics programme:

Dietitians managing diseases by providing appropriate dietary therapies, also involved in prevention of diseases through health promotion and health education.

Statistical Computing and Operations Research (SCOR) programme:

SCOR programme is structured in line with the latest development of Industrial Revolution 4.0, particularly in Big Data Analytics. It integrates management, computing, statistics, operations research methods and techniques to facilitate data analysis that are collected from various business sectors.

Logistics and International Shipping (LIS) programme:

LIS programme prepares future logisticians that well verse with complex business challenges and understanding logistics activities. Students will gain knowledge in business management, scientific optimization approach, logistics awareness, supply chains coordinations and global maritime transportation.

For as low as RM309, you would be able to enrol to UTAR foundation or undergraduate studies, you will also enjoy 100% application fee waiver. In addition, UTAR is offering a study grant of RM1,000 to students whose sibling is currently studying or completed studies at UTAR and to children of UTAR Alumni (terms and conditions apply).

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